Organizations are fully as varied as are individual human beings that work
in them. Each organization has a unique history and culture that we must
understand so that we can succeed in providing meaningful assistance. All of
our work is built on a foundation of sound concepts of social psychology, but
each of our consultative efforts is unique in that it is designed in response
to the realities of the client organization with which we are working.
Sometimes, based upon our initial explorations, in partnership with our client,
we determine that it would be best to work with intact organizational teams
who wish to truly become more than the sum of their individual parts. In other
situations we determine that it would be best for our firm to provide one-to-one coaching assistance to senior managers who wish to increase their organizational contribution. On other occasions, our work is programmatic: We might provide seminars to educate large numbers of people in any of a wide variety of skills. We
have more than forty years of experience providing consultative, and programmatic assistance to organizations of every size and description.
Despite the great variety of our client base, there is a single, easily described principle that guides all of the work we do to assist organizations.
We always work with our clients in ways that contribute to their capacity. As a result, our diagnostic efforts focus on their strengths and their successes. These become the foundation upon which organizational and individual capacities can ultimately be enhanced. Our partnerships with our clients provide them the lasting benefits of enhanced skill, effectiveness, creativity, and productivity.